It is the policy of the Gloucester City Library Board of Trustees to provide a meeting space for the community as a free public service for non-commercial, non-profit purposes, giving preference to library-sponsored programs.
All meetings must be open to the public at no charge; meetings must not be restricted to any particular group. Library meeting room use will not be denied to any person or organization because of race, creed, color, national origin, or sexual orientation.
While using the meeting rooms, no admission may be charged; no products or services may be advertised, solicited or sold.
Groups using the library meeting room must not use advertising or publicity in which to imply that their programs are sponsored, co-sponsored or approved by the library, unless written permission to do so has been previously given by the Library Director. The library phone number and/or email may not be used in meeting announcements.
- The meeting room is available during library hours only, with exceptions at the Director’s discretion only (e.g. Election Day).
- Volunteer tutors may use the meeting room on a walk-in basis only (reservations will not be accepted. Private tutors may not use the meeting room).
- Each group using the meeting room shall be responsible for any damage or excess cleaning or repairs made necessary by the group. The full cost of repairs and/or excess cleaning will be charged to the group.
- All meetings must end and the premises vacated by library closing time.
- Light non-alcoholic refreshments are permitted, but with the exception of coffee and tea, they shall not be prepared on library premises.
- Before leaving, each group is responsible for arranging the room in its original configuration. A chart is posted in the meeting room.
- Nothing may be attached to library walls or doors. No tape, glue, tacks, nails, etc. may be used.
- The library does not have projection equipment for public use. A screen is available.
This policy supercedes all previous policies. Updated by the Board of Trustees May 14th, 2014.